Regional Towns
Designing parklands & streetscapes for regional towns in collaboration with their community, government and stakeholders.

Regional Towns & Parklands
Eva helps regional communities ground their ideas for creating their parklands and streetscapes by designing with the locals, government organisations and stakeholders. Her designs guide future works to preserve, promote and rejuvenate towns. Depending on the brief of the project Eva designs landscapes that provide an appropriate balance between the recreational, environmental, historical, tourism, economic development and commercial aspirations.
Eva’s design processes maintains the creativity of your communities / government / stakeholders ideas, she understands that good collaboration will achieve high quality, innovative and site responsive designs. Eva’s process depends on the scale and brief of your landscape project. She begins with getting to know your communities / government’s / stakeholders ideas, needs and nature of your project. Contact Eva to discuss your project so she can further develop a process that will suit you. Following your discussion your project may involve community workshops, broad scale master planning, placemaking, conceptual design, developed design and / or design documentation.
Testimonials for Eva’s Regional Designs
“…The community consultations had clearly stated outcomes and were conducted in a relaxed and fun atmosphere with each participant being able to contribute their ideas. Consequently, we had a range of ideas from a range of people which have been miraculously incorporated into a creative and coherent plan. The plan satisfies our aims of “quirky and fun” “imaginative
and discovered” and more importantly the ideas are achievable by a small
community organisation.
The consultation also identified the way our town is used by traffic and
pedestrians and the importance of the Kirby St/Railway St intersection in
directing visitors to the river; a very underrated and “undervisited” attraction
of our town. It has also included ideas for the enhancement of the street
scape which Balonne Shire Council can draw upon independently knowing
that they fit the context of our plan. Having the CEO, shire chairman and 2
other councilors attend has been a huge advantage in establishing credence
in our shire.
The plan was produced in a short time frame which has enabled us to submit
for funding for a placemaking project already, retaining momentum which is
vital to sustain community interest for such a large project.
Having a landscape plan has given us a way to easily prioritise and identify
parts for accessing grants. It has provided a basis on which to identify future
ways in which the WORK team can assist (and justify having a WORK camp in
Dirranbandi) and ways in which we can value add to grants with assistance
from Ergon, BSC and other organisations.
Most importantly for a community group run by dreamers (and not project
managers) it has given us a plan for the future that can be taken on by
whomever is at the helm of our organisation in the future. It can also be
taken over by Balonne Shire Council should our organisation fail. Having
invested considerable time and funding in this project so far, knowing that
it now has sustainability is a great comfort.
Dealing with Zen Landscaping Queensland and Porter Designs has been
an enjoyable process. Eva and Kevin have been extremely approachable,
encouraging and supportive of our ideas which they have been able to
interpret into reality. We would have no hesitation in recommending them
to any community or individual and hope that we can continue to work with
them in the future.”
Pam Crothers – Joint President Dirranbandi Arts Council

Landscape Master Plan of the Streetscape & Parkland

Local Community Rejuvenating Existing Unused Buildings for Community Events

Local Community Rejuvenating Existing Unused Buildings for Community Events

Local Community Rejuvenating Existing Unused Buildings for Community Events