Guest Speaking
Sharing design knowledge with you at events and inspiring you for your next landscape project.

Landscape Architecture Speaker
Eva is an expert speaker at garden exhibitions, conferences and garden clubs. Her presentations are generous with knowledge and experience with a touch of humor to entertain! The design topics that she presents can work in around your event theme or Eva can develop a topic with you. She has shared the garden stage with many inspiring speakers in the industry, including Costa Georgiadis from Gardening Australia.
Guest Speaking Engagements
2022 Australian Institute Of Landscape Architects Awards – Master of ceremonies (MC)
2019 Redcliffe Garden & Lifestyle Expo
2018 Stafford Garden Club
2018 Redcliffe Garden & Lifestyle Expo
2017 Redcliffe ‘What’s Cooking in the Garden?’ Expo

Entrepreneurial Speaker
Eva founded Porter Designs when she was 21. She has an inspirational story of the journey she has been on to build the company to where it is today. Eva won the Young Entrepreneur Award for the Moreton Bay Region and has a passion to encourage young people into business and to role model for life after school. She believes to make a further impact as a leader she needs to add value to people, the only way to truly succeed is to help others. The motivational and entrepreneurial speeches Eva presents enthuse and inspires many people that they too can achieve success. Eva’s work with community groups for disadvantaged young adults helps to break the cycle of – lack of hope – diminished purpose – failure to persevere. She speaks at schools, business events, community groups and workshops.
Guest Speaking Engagements
2022 Australian Institute Of Landscape Architects Awards – Master of ceremonies (MC)
2022 Ladies Who Long Lunch – Pannel Guest
2019 Qode Festival – Future Anything – Pannel Guest
2019 Hills & District Chamber of Commerce
2023 to 2018 Careers Day at Wavell State High School
2018 Career & Motivational Speech Muller College

Contact Eva to be your next guest speaker at your garden event or club to hear her insightful knowledge on garden design.
Contact Eva to book her in for your next inspiring entrepreneurial speaker at your school, business event, community group or workshop.
Testimonials for Eva’s Guest Speaking
“Eva gave a talk at Stafford Garden Club in August 2018. It was about the 5 things that you need to know for good garden design. Eva was generous with her knowledge and experience – she used easy-to-follow diagrams to show how to analyse what is needed, what’s wanted by the client and how to achieve a brilliant result with a mix of suitable plantings and useful hard surfaces.
It was refreshing to have a talk that was so problem-solving: occasionally we ‘pottering’ gardeners need to be alerted to factors such as eye-lines, shade issues, micro-climates, where heavy traffic is likely to require hard surfaces and (let’s be honest) realistic placement of appropriate plants. Eva tackled these and other issues with intelligence and good humour. The Stafford Garden Club has a different speaker every month and Eva’s illustrated and lively talk gathered many compliments from our members”
Stafford Garden Club – Julia Fielding

“…She (Eva) presented her own story relating the establishment, and growth for her business to a spell-bound Breakfast Chamber of much older peers. The determination to overcome every obstacle even to the point of having her mother drive her to business appointments (as Eva didn’t own a car in her first year of business) so she could present her proposals was an indication of her work ethic and desire to achieve. Many of the executive felt that her presentation was worthy of a professional speaker…”
Mary Di Marco – President Hills & District Chamber of Commerce
“We just wanted to thank Eva for coming to chat with our year 12 cohort about her inspiring story. Her presentation was down to earth and engaging for students. Her story of how she began her career to start her own landscape business at the age of 21 drew the attention of many. She chose to follow her passion and encouraged our students to do the same. I would strongly recommend her to come and speak to your school to motivate and enthuse students who may not feel like they can achieve success.”
Rachel Townsend – Muller College Year 12 Coordinator