What is the difference between a landscaper, landscape designer and landscape architect?
Are you ready to engage a professional to help you with your landscape project? However, you are still trying to get your head around the difference between a landscaper, landscape designer and Landscape Architect! You are not alone.
I’m are here to explain the difference between them. I have added a few others that you may have come across too on your journey to find someone to help you project.
The following will be discussed in this blog:
- Gardener
- Garden Designer
- Landscaper
- Horticulturalist
- Landscape Designer
- Landscape Architect
This blog is intended as a guide to the difference between the landscape industry representatives. Please discuss with your chosen individual landscape industry representative about their services, skills and qualifications. It may differ from this blog.

The gardener is typically not qualified. Formal qualifications are not required to work as a gardener.
However, some gardeners may have undertaken vocational qualifications or certificates to assist in their development and knowledge.
Garden Designer
A garden designer can be either qualified or not qualified. If a garden designer is qualified they typically have studied a certificate.
Sometimes a garden designer may have studied a diploma, typically the diploma has not been recognised by an overseeing Australian Institute or Association.
When engaging a designer it is recommended that you select one that is a member of either the Landscape Design Institute (LDI) or Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA).
What is the difference between a landscaper, landscape designer, gardener and landscape architect?
A landscaper is a person you engage in to build your landscape project.
A landscaper is qualified. They have a certificate in landscape construction.
When selecting a landscaper in Queensland be sure to check that they have a Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) license and that they are a member of Landscape Queensland Industries Association.
Sometimes landscapers offer design as one of their services in addition to construction. The design standard can vary between landscapers. Some landscaper designs are basic; however, this might suit your project and is appropriate.
Other landscapers designs are of high quality this might be because they either have a diploma in landscape design or/and employ a landscape designer or landscape architect.

A horticulturist is a professional who is qualified and uses scientific knowledge for garden cultivation and management.
The qualification they obtain could be a certificate, diploma, bachelor, masters or PHD. Their knowledge and skills lean more towards science rather than design.
A horticulturist is someone you typically engage to monitor or advise you on plant health or for plant selection.
Sometimes a horticulturist has undertaken additional study in either landscape design or landscape architecture to be qualified in both horticulture and design.
When selecting a horticulturist check to see if they are a member of the Australian Institue of Horticulture Inc.
Landscape Designer
What is the difference between a landscaper, landscape designer, gardener and landscape architect?
A landscape designer is someone you engage to help you design your landscape project.
A landscape designer is qualified and they have a diploma in landscape design.
Make sure you choose a landscape designer who is a member of Landscape Design Institute (LDI) .

Landscape Architect
What is the difference between a landscaper, landscape designer, gardener and landscape architect?
A landscape architect is someone you engage to help you design your landscape project.
A landscape architect is qualified and they have a bachelor. They may also have completed further study and obtained a master’s or PHD.
In the landscape industry, the landscape architect is the highest qualification an individual can study. However, to add confusion this does not mean you can typically ask them to physically build your landscape project.
A landscaper is the only one who is qualified to construct your landscape project. Some landscape architects have construction services within their business as they have a landscaper team.
When selecting a landscape architect make sure they are a member of Landscape Design Institute (LDI) or Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA).
During the process of selecting a landscape architect, you may come across that some of them are Registered Landscape Architects. A Registered Landscape Architect has completed further study from AILA and meets the requirements to be a registered member of the association.
At Porter Designs we are a landscape architecture studio. As the director I am a Registered Landscape Architect and a member of both AILA and LDI. You can read more about Porter Designs on our about page.